Yahoo.com The NFL forbids players from posting on Twitter within 90 minutes before a game, and Owens posted a tweet during the forbidden time. It was a nice tweet, but ... even nice tweets get you fined if they're within 90 minutes of kickoff.
Not to sound like DRob here, but is this real life? A player fined for tweeting? I'm all for Rodger Goodell cracking down and being stricter with players (my fingers are crossed for a Favre suspension) but a fine for tweeting? Tweeting something takes all of four seconds, and it's not like Owens tweeted anything bad. It was actually a really "nice" as the article states (the original article displays it.) Besides, players have given television interviews before games in the past, but they haven't been fined. I don't see much of a difference.
So I ask you, the UB fans, is there a line that needs to be drawn with Twitter and other internet frivolities when it comes to pre-game, or is Goodell grasping for straws here?
Ed B. can be reached at his own Twitter account from this link.
Roger is going to far thats for sure