The event is fast approaching (two away as of press-time), and the most hyped fight on the card is Georges St. Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck, for the Welterweight title. St.Pierre will be fighting in his hometown of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The event is expected to be one of the most viewed of all-time. The two fighters were coaches on the most recent season of "The Ultimate Fighter," in which two GSP fighters made it to the finale. The match is shaping up to be one of the most heated of all time, and the UFC is expecting to make bank on it.
Now, I think GSP will win (all bias aside.He's in a whole different league than Kos.) Why? Because he is probably the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world of MMA. Though soft spoken, the guy's an a assassin, as stupid as that sounds. Look at the previous season on TUF. Koscheck did nothing but hurl un-funny insults about Georges' attire, accent, and every other easy joke in the book. And St. Pierre just laughed it off, saving it all for the fight, building up anger toward Koscheck. Koscheck wasted energy making fun of a guy who A) doesn't care to trash talk and B) can kick his arse. This will surely hurt him in his fight versus St. Pierre.
How will the fight end? No idea, and no one, from UFC fans like myself to MMA die-hards can predict how a fight will be won (or who will win them, really.) I'm crossing my fingers for an early knockout, just because Josh Koscheck acted like such a (pardon my French) prick on TUF (a season in which he proved to be a terrible
Three quick notes:
-DRob is pumping out one amazing shirt after another in the Pro Shop. Grab them now. My personal favorite is the Dave Heikkila one, but you kind of have to know him to get it. But what person wouldn't love a "Wood for Woodhead" shirt?
- Keep up the ULTY nominations. Your feedback is really appreciated.
-Spread the word about UB! Let your friends, uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents know how much you love UB over the Christmas season while sipping a cup of eggnog. Isn't letting your loved ones in on the best sports website on the WWW the greatest gift of all? If there's another, I can't think of one.
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