Size: Both fighters register at 5'11", but Maroney weighs 220 lbs. compared to Pedro's 170 lb. frame. Advantage Maroney.
Speed: Similar to the last fight with Fitz and Pedroia, Maroney would beat Pedro in a race down the field. But Pedro is the more nifty and agile type of speed. Quickness is the better term for it. And Pedro has more quickness in the ring. Advantage Pedro.
Power: Even though Pedro can crank that fastball up there at 97 in his prime, that's just his right arm. Maroney's sheer size advantage gives him the victory as far as power goes. In a battle of brute strength, you can't deny the running back over the wiry pitcher. Advantage Maroney.
Smarts: There's no doubt the smarts go to Pedro. Maroney is dumb as rocks. He never picks up the right blocking assignment and he dances around at the line. And his facial expressions sometimes actually make me feel dumber. Pedro has the brains over Maroney. I'm not sure there's any arguing that. Advantage Pedro.
Intangibles: Experience is one of those intangible factors. Pedro has experience in altercations. He's been at the center of several scrums between Boston and New York. He has famously (I would say "infamously" except it was fucking awesome) tossed Don Zimmer to the ground in a Red Sox - Yankees brawl. He has the mindset of a warrior and he will never let up until there is no more blood to shed. I don't get the same feeling about Maroney. He's never had the killer instinct to seize the Pats' #1 RB role (it's wide open for the taking, Laurence). Advantage Pedro.
Toughness: I'll refer to one of my sources on this one. Leftnut, one of our writers (Greg Pessa) once told me a story. A friend of his had the same doctor as the one who is the Patriots chiropractor. And this man shared with him stories about how Maroney would be complaining about tacky little injuries non stop. That he lacked the toughness. The very same toughness that we saw Pedro pour onto the field for years at Fenway. The toughness that showed in the 1999 ALDS when he was injured with a strained back, but managed to make an emergency relief appearance out of the bullpen and throw 6 hitless innings to win the final game of the ALDS against the Indians. That's grit and toughness. Pedro is a hero. Advantage Pedro.
The Decision: Maroney might have the size and the strength, but that is literally the only thing he has. Pedro just has everything else on lockdown, including the mindset. I really don't know if Maroney has the aggression to fight anyone. If he can't hit the hole against defensive lines, what makes you think he has the stones to beat Pedro Martinez to a pulp? He doesn't. Pedro just forces Maroney to give in. Pedro Martinez submits Laurence Maroney in the second round.
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